These are beautiful Lyn - just what I needed today! Thank you for sharing your art and your narrative.

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There is so much to unpack in this...thanks so much for sharing the powers of awareness and connection through these thoughts.

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So glad you’re here!

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Thank you! What a beautiful and refreshing pause. I appreciate the haven of peace that trees and images of trees provide.

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Thank you!!

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The ones looking up the trunks are AMAZING -- they give me vertigo in the best possible way--a powerful physical (vs simply aesthetic) response even as they remind me just how amazing and strong and old and resilient tree trunks can be. Indeed, I was just reading about a giant Cedar about 50 miles from here that is apparently the oldest biggest in Idaho -- they estimate that it is 3000 years old. How's that for endurance?

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The invitation to ‘stand like a tree’ is an opportunity to connect with that 3,000 year old energy in our own unique ways. Our toes like roots. Our heal the base of the trunk. Love the idea of 3,000 years.

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answering your question: I like the images with the play of light and dark on the tree trunks and the strong light/dark play of images with a lot of geometry. If I was buying, those are the ones I'd be drawn to.

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Thank you my friend. Love your recent work. So beautiful and emotionally compelling.

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Your photos looking up into the canopies and against the trunks are splendid! Some of the limbs are so sensual! I can give no advice because you are doing things I have never seen before! And I love trees! So keep doing what you are doing. I would love anyone of these pictures in my home.

And yes I do want a yellow t-shirt that says Bananas are an Herb! :-)

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I loved these photos of trees as much as I love them! Thank you for bringing the hope of seeing these beautiful beings (hopefully) in 6 months again!

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