Dear Reader,
Happy Winter Solstice. An invitation to rest, even though distracting temptations abound.
Following the reflections of my sister Sarah Swett, in Morning Twilight,1 I honor all that is between in time and space. At the invitation of Katherine May, I settle into this ‘Long Midwinter,’2 my quiet time.
Just as these leaves offer the necessary carbon to calm the enthusiastic nitrogen-based fruits and vegetables, we all need time to rest and process…3
And along the way, drink some chai.4
Be well, my friends. In honor of this time, I will not be writing a newsletter next week so shall see you in January!
As always, thank you for spending your time with me.
With cheers and gratitude for you being you,
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If you know anyone who might enjoy these compost compilations and musings, please do click the button below and see what they think!
The Gusset, by Sarah Swett
The Clearing, by Katherine May
Compost thrives when there are 30 parts carbon (brown stuff) to one part nitrogen (green stuff). In life, we seem to exist on 30 parts nitrogen (big energy) to one part carbon (rest). Perhaps we need to take the lead from compost and shift the balance. Just a thought.
A few years ago I took an online workshop with Kimberly Hotelling of Root Vine Healing in which she shared her recipe for Herbal Chai. It’s amazing, so I’ll pass it along to you:
In a medium size pot, put 8 cups water and the following ingredients:
1 cup fresh ginger, chopped; 1/4 cup cinnamon sticks (or cinnamon chips); 1 TBS cloves; 1 1/2 TBS black peppercorns; 2 TBS cardamon pods; handful of orange peels thrown in for the last few minutes of simmering.
Cover this, bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes.
Ladle out of the pot and strain through strainer (leave herbs in pot b/c you can use them again). Sweeten with honey if you like and drink 1 - 3 cups/day. You can also add milk (I love it with oat milk, myself).
AND you can add black tea if you want the caffeinated version (add to your cup in tea strainer or add to pot of tea when it’s done simmering. Let sit 5 minutes).
When the chai tea is gone, yuo an add another 8 cups of water to the same herbs and brew another pot.