Welcome to 13 Tons of Love

a weekly dose of visual joy and reflective meanderings for all who subscribe…

Why subscribe?

Because there is joy in the compost pile,

Banana Peel & Greens, 2020

wonder in the garden,

cultivating a permaculture palette

and the possibility for everyday transformation…

maidenhair fern tracing on my sisters and my cotillion dress
remaking the dress somehow invited me to reimagine myself…each stitch, learning to let go

And because micro-climate actions (like composting, re-making an old dress, and planting pollinator friendly gardens) offer invitations for personal regeneration, transformation and renewal.

Feeling the Wind, 2023 (cape made from my grandmother’s old dress)

Believe me, I’ve been working at this for 20 years, trying to combat eco-anxiety, the guilt of privilege and general climate over-whelm.

In our community…

Recycling Education & Scrap Metal Collection, 2005 & 2006

and at home.

Striving for resilience on 1.75 acres, 2003 - present

But who knew that cultivating resilience could bring such joy not just for me,

Rock On, Spring 2023

But also for all those I love, human and non-humans alike?

Monarch in Flight, August 2023

Why would you care about what I’ve got to say?

Because I’m the kind of person who composts disintegrating books…

Recomposing Shakespeare: Taming of the Shrew

and Harvard diplomas,

2 Degrees

makes handmade frames out of apple branches from her yard,

Done (part of a larger project called Still, In Motion)

and dances in snowstorms.

Letting Go, Winter 2023

And why, you’re wondering, is this called 13 Tons of Love?

You’ll just have to read my newsletter to find out.

Hint: It has something to do with compost…

and my mother.

Subscribe so you never miss an update on this ongoing narrative.

13 Tons of Love is a reader-supported dose of visual joy and reflective meanderings in your in-box every week. My whole goal is to share the messages embodied in my work far and wide.

Subscriptions are free. There are no paywalls.

But, if you like what you read, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.

The more support I receive, the easier it is for me to continue doing what I do.

With cheers and gratitude,


Subscribe to 13 Tons of Love

An ongoing visual 'conversation' in which a mid/late-life photographer explores the wonders of transformation and renewal at the convergence of compost, climate & creativity.


Lyn Swett Miller is a micro-climate photographer celebrating transformation and renewal at the convergence of compost, climate and creativity. Along the way, she asks lots of questions about the people, places and possessions she cares about most.